Download the MAXimizer app by RE / MAX Italy and work on your contacts, purchase requests and properties.THIS APP CAN ONLY BE USED BY RE / MAX ITALIA AFFILIATES, CUSTOMERS CAN USE THE "RE / MAX MAX / CONNECT" APPThe app can only be used by users affiliated with RE / MAX Italy enabled by administrative users within MAXimizer: the real estate management software of RE / MAX agents in Italy.If you cant log in, contact an admin user from your RE / MAX agency and get enabled.Thanks to the MAXimizer App you can access your data at any time- consult your personal agenda and manage the appointments of the day- view your customer portfolio, your purchase requests, your properties and those of the RE / MAX network- share property listings with your customers- Quickly enter new customers and inquiries- manage the outcome of appointments and feedback on properties and customers- receive push notifications in real time on the activities of customers, properties, requestsThe app is continuously updated with the release of new features.